Chairman's Message

Sky is the limit for those who feed on challenges. Our Chairman, Mr. Ram Niwas Kabra is a living testament of this philosophy. Spearheading Kabra Groups'business operations and trendsetting new standards in the market, he is the guiding force behind the steady growth of brand Kwality. Under his leadership, the company has shown remarkable growth on all possible fronts and is poised to leapfrog further in the competitive global marketplace. He believes in working aggressively to position Kwality as the fastest growing FMCG brand in the domestic as well as export markets.

He says,"We dream big and we are not afraid to try out even seemingly impossible ideas". Over time, I can proudly say that Kabra Group has presumed a personality of its own and has become a true living company. Our managements and employees are the ones creating wealth for Kabra Group proving them as its most important and valuable resource. We believe that uncertainties can offer much opportunity to propel forward and our success today is the result of us becoming much more agile as a company.

We have always motivated ourselves in being GOOD, Better and Best therefore, improvement and innovation are the actual practices being followed everyday. At Kabra Group, our major responsibility is to deliver excellence to consumers via our employees and widespread network of vendors, suppliers and distributors.

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